Saturday 9 June 2012


                                             THEY ARE KILLING US SILENTLY

My blog this month is about what the governments are doing to us and how they are killing us with chemtrails and chemicals in our foods. The chemtrail we will start as you look up see them in the sky though so much has been written about them but for those that have just woken to the fact that the governments have been doing this to us for over 10 years and the experiements though they say for weather modification that I now believe is a load of bull they have HARRP for that!

A bad day of chemtrails over Hertfordshire

How many of you been out in the night and its foggy or misty some of you will be old enough to remember when we did have real fog and misty nights and mornings. How many of you remember going out and getting damp and wet and if you was wearing glasses you would get droperlets on them or soaked hair or coats but when you go out in the mist and fog today you don't get wet though the cars are wet but your are not the dropplets are dry. so what its it? I have looked and you can do this with a bright torch on a misty night and you can see a fine mist but its not like mist moisture and no matter how much you wave your hand about it will not get wet. Well you ask if its not mist what is it?
Well its the stuff that they spray what goes up must come back down and its the rubbish they have been spraying from Fungus to virus's to metals.

I have been doing some digging about again to get the facts I so I will just quote them but first let me ask you? have any you have had any strange sinus colds that seem tend to last up to three weeks and then a cough for much much longer. These colds never seem to attack the chest just the throat but what ever you take does not seem to be doing anything to help it is the virus's they are spraying in the chems. I went down in February after they was spraying for days then it returned in May but not so bad, and you find when you blew your nose it was not clear but white sticky stuff you will have had what I had that came from the Chemtrails. You will find to with this virus that you have a mother of all coughs that when you do start to cough you just can not stop and you cough till you are sick or pee yourself but it makes you heave as though you want to be sick and its lasted much longer then normal cough a dry hacking cough always in the throat and you have in the morning or day time a taste of metalic taste at the back of your throat.

The lower one is the sprading out where the top one
 is the virus and fungus sort and so sinks down

But over the last ten years research and personal accounts including my own that what they are spraying is the cause of our illness from the spraying of Aluminium and Barium Salt and mixtures of polymer fibers, toxic chemicals and biological spraying into the atmosphere are the irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible for so many health problems around the world now.

The toxic particulates are rapildy absorbed from the respiratory system and or in the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited into the lungs, muscles and bones.

This illegal aerial spraying is producing atmospheric and ground conditions that is detrimental to human and animal health but favourable to the growuth of harmfull mould's and fungus's.

Here is an overview of many symptoms that people have reported and have been reported to people that have looked into these sprayings.

1. Nose and lung bleed (the latter including several reports from Nursing homes of the elderly   dying  from lung bleed outs, they believe being directly attributable to atmospheric aerosols.)

2. Asthma and allergies.

3. Allergic brounchopulmonary asperillosis (ABPA) (fungus on the lungs in both infants and adults)

4. Flu, Bronchitis and Pneumonia (in epidemic proportions, with doctors commenting to them that patients take many weeks, sometimes longer to improve and the lack of effective antibiotics to treat, encluding reports of pets having the flu, whole families being decimated,) Meningitis (inflammation /infection of the brain).

5. Upper repiratory symptoms (wheezing, dry coughs) including Pulmonary Distress Syndrone (PDS) (In newborns, infants and adults alike), Sudden infant death (SIDS) with an increased nationwide reports of the sudden death of athletes (reported in the new media as having possibly been attributable direct to air particulates or polluction).

6. Deaths from black mould, black or red mould on food crops (farmer reporting pH changes of the soil and water), in buildings and ventilation system (including school buildings)

7. Arthitis-like symptoms and muscular pain in young and old alike, sometimes crippling and in pets.

8. Gastrointestinal distress in young and old alike and in pets.

9. Bladder and yeast infection (including bed wetting , not just in infants but in adults).

10. Extreme fatigue in young and old.

11. Ringing in the ears (tinitus), dizziness (increasingly reported immediately procceding or after a storm or weather systom).

12. Eye problems- pink eye -blurred or deteriorating vision / nervous ticts (twitching) after exposure to the outside.

13. Dry/ cracking skin and lips, rashes, sores and fungal infection, aging of skin:

14. Mental confusion/slow thinking and  - or the feeiling of mentally "being in a fog" (young and old alike increasingly reported after actually being in heavy mists and fog banks),

15. Autimmune disorders (Lupus, Crohn's, Addison's disease, Rheumatoid arthritis), 

Please note that some of the above symptoms/illness can be related to other physical and environmental factors such as dehydration or genetics:

The following other symptoms that are associated with the chemtrails are:

Fatigue -Headaches - Sinus Pain - Muscle Pain - Joint Pain -  Inabaility to concentrate -Salty-metatllic taste to the air - Chemical taste to the air - Frequently cracking joints - Depression - Anxiety - Anger Issues -Looping of thoughts and Songs - Swelling/Inflamation - Ringing in the ears - Changes in eyesight - Near or farsightedness - Upper Respiratory Infections - Elevated Blood Pressure - Accelerated heartbeat - Heart Pain - Skipping heartbeats - Shortness of breath - Wheezing (Asthma) after being outside - Loss of Balance - Dark circles around the eyes - Stomach Pain - Frequent illness - Difficutly in achieving deep sleep - Vivid and restless dreams - A contstant hacking cough.

Other symptoms are:
Disturbance of the blood ciculation - Heart Damage - Reproductive failure - Damage to the immune system - plus damage to the Liver and Kidney function - as well neurological effects and behavioural changes.

If you are suffering from Heart pain and chest pains please get an ambulance as you just could be suffering from a heart attack though some of the above could be brought on as well by other factors like poor diet and genetics not just chemtrails but they can play a big part of what is happening to us.

I have noticed that in the UK the Doctors are not picking up on the fact that the chemtrails are doing us damage when they are stumpped by the symptoms they will not give you a blood test just give you pills as though a pill will make the symptoms go away when we are sprayed all the time. Its mostly in the US that the doctors are picking up on this.
I to have notice that many Doctor's don't take a keen interest in Neutrition or Vitamins where in the 60's they would look at you and ask you to stick out your tongue or give blood tests for the lack of vitamins they are trained away from that because the Pharmaceutical companies seem to stir young Doctors away from that because they don't want us to get better because they count on us being ill all the time.
But what is more shocking you think your medical records are private wrong because the big Pharmaceutical companies have their grubby hands on your records so they know what you have and taking why? well they claim its just for cancer research odd though that cancer is on the increase could it be that they want it that way.

Here in the UK we are encourage to take our five a day in fruit and veg but with prices are up for some on poor imcome a take away is cheaper for them then buy a weeks worth of fruit and veg. In fact many children don't even know where their food come from let alone what a carrot or apple is or where their milk or meat comes from thats what they want.

Bad day with a white haze filling the sky

When the sky is fall of Chems and its blotting out most of the sun rays it is stopping you from getting the Vitamin D from the sun and on a bad day the sun is blotted out and you can feel the strenght of the sun has gone down a bit. But why do this covering the sky again they want us to be lacking in Vitamin D because its needed in us with out it our bodies will not work well not only is it for bones but it helps with keeping our bodies stop going down with infections as well.

But what is more cancers are in the increase since they have been spraying and them putting the things in our food like Aspartame and a new one I have noticed that they started to use Acsulfame Potassium K instead of the Aspartame and it is more worse then the old one it can cause many cancers and people are drinking it and eating it as well. I tend to look at the food I am buying now if it has the natsy stuff in then I will not take it and it will put back on the shelf.
Though I am eating a lot of fresh and dried fruit and drinking fruit juice if your gut can take it I would do the same as many of the fruits have antioxidants that are cancer busting but then they don't want you know or to have that as well.
If you like fruit and veg go for it I love snacking on nuts and dried fruit. And a fruit pot of froozen fresh fruit in natural juice on a hot summer's day is far better then a tub of chemically inhanced icecream any day. If the kids don't like fruit but love ice lollies when the fruit that is going soft well blend them and make icelollies you will know then that they will not be high on the E colours or the chemicals they put in them and you know they have had some fruit as well in the process. You can even turn fuit juices into ice lollies as well. If you want to learn more about the food that are good for you go to he has some good youtubes as well that are every eye opening.

But I have noticed that in the US and here in the UK that people are getting bigger in the waist line because of the fast food industry this is because again its planned by the governments and the Drug companies because they want people ill to feed the industry of Pharmaceutical bussiness if we was all nice and healthy they would be out bussiness in years so they will do anything to stop us from getting healthy so they brain wash us with adds and addictive drink and foods like burgers that have been loaded with additive chemically enhanced meat  and GMO's that make your body want more and more and so you land up with a large waist line. But this is killing us silenlty as well.
There will be some that will not change and wake up to what is happening to them when its to late they want the population cut by 50,000 so that can manage the slave labour.
But we have something they don't want us to have no matter how much they stop us people are waking and gaining something they have but don't want us to have KNOWNLEDGE that is the power something they have kept from us and they are getting so nervous about because when the slave has that power it can be turned against the slave master. Why do you think Servants was not aload to lean to read and write because they have the power over them in the old days. People are even turning away from the big news networks because they are tired being lied to, they are going to the net and other smaller news networks because they are giving the truth. I like to look at Alex Jones as well you want to know what is going on then look up

Remember people Power is KNOWNLEDGE pass the knownledge about to others that are just waking the more that wake up to what the Evil governments really doing let them see the light.
May the Knownledge be with you!
The Ferret signing out.

Sunday 8 April 2012

The ferret 

Before the ferret fanciers get all excited about this blog. It is not about ferrets, sorry I gave the name as the ferret because I like to dig information out. So sorry for the disappointment for those ferret fancier girls and boys.
My first blog is a little rough around the edges about the Aspartame in drinks so I am sorry about that.
I will get better and  the grammar will improve it was late as I had to figure out how to get it onto the blog as it is my first time at blogging but if you can make it out I think you will enjoy it. As the months go on there will be more things from chem trails and other bits even about caring as I am a carer so for those carers out there you might find something as well.
Just a little note for my start so I hope your will  enjoy the blog .
The ferret   

Saturday 7 April 2012

A warning about diet drinks

                                              A WARNING ABOUT DIET DRINKS

Hi folks this is my first blog so sorry for the crudeness of this page. It will improve as I learn how blog more
 What if I offered you a drink that had rat poison in? you would throw it back at me I guess!  And you would and say Are you  trying to kill me?

 Well though the drinks you are drinking like diet sodas and sugar free drinks like Robinsons and Ribena and a lot of the store own brands that are sugar free. You are not in fact drinking rat poison but a highly toxic poison Aspartame yes folks you heard me right!

Aspartame and sucralose are in fact toxic poison in our diet drinks. I used to be a big drinker of coke and sugar free drinks but not now when I read what it can do to you. Plus there is something you will not be aware and will  hear in any media new  is the deaths it causing. Those of you that drink a lot of these diet drink you will not think but you will relook what you are drinking and that you are poisoning yourselves with this Aspartame. Another is Sucralose as well will give you thoughts about giving this to your kids as well. But first we will deal with the Aspartame.

 I quote from Nancy Markle that when the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86f degrees the wood alcohol in Aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid which in turn causes metabolic acidosis (Formic acid is the poison found in the stings of fire ants. The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis, thus people could be wrongly diagnosed with the MS. But I will not bore you with too much scientific chitchat just the facts. But I will come to the fact that it can do a lot of harm  if you are drinking these sweeteners and Aspartame,  I quote that  if you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attack, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss –you probably have ASPARTAME DISEASE!

This stuff is even deadly for diabetics and doctors know what wood alcohol can do to a diabetic it can keep the blood sugar up and many go into a coma and die this is a silent killer and its slowly killing you and I, it’s in over 5,000 products in fact containing the chemical.  And oddly  the PATENT HAS EXPIRED!!!! ON IT!  The methanol in the Aspartame converts to formaldehyde in the retina of the eyes!

 People FORMALDHYDE is grouped in the same class of drugs as cyanide and arsenic (which is the same in cigarettes as well) they are the most DEADLY POISONS TO MAN!!!!!
 Unfortunately, it just takes longer to quietly kill you and its killing people and causing all kind of neurological problems. Plus ladies for those that are trying to lose those pounds in the hips and thighs well formaldehyde will in fact stores up those fat cells on the hips and thighs and in fact could make you fatter-  hence the expanding waist lines here in the UK and  the United States. Because in fact these sweeteners don’t make us lose weight no! in makes the body want more carbohydrates and so make you eat more and that’s what Monsanto wants us to do. They are killing us through our food they want us to die!
 But they will not be taken to court for our murder they will not be even be sort after neither they will get away with murder! In fact the US government owes people billions from Aspartame poisoning now that is something you don't know and they will not get it neither.
.Now for the bit that will make you faint maybe but these are the side effects of Aspartame.

The eyes
Blindness in one or both eyes Decreased vision and other eye problems such as blurring, bright flashes, squiggly line, tunnel vision. Decreased night vision. Pain in one or both eyes. Decreased tears.
Trouble with contact lenses. Bulging eyes

The Ears
Tinnitus – ringing or buzzing sound. Severe intolerance to noise. Marked hearing impairment

Epileptic seizures. Headaches, migraines and some severe. Dizziness, unsteadiness or both. Confusion, memory loss or both Severe drowsiness and sleepiness. Paraesthesia or numbness in the limbs.
Severe slurring of speech. Severe hyperactivity and restless legs. Atypical facial pain. Severe tremors and though not proved brain tumors.

Severe depression. Irritability. Aggression. Anxiety. Personality change. Insomnia. Phobias.

Palpitations, tachycardia. Shortness of breath. Recent  high blood pressure

Nausea. Diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools. Abdominal pain. Pain when swallowing.

Skin and Allergies
Itching without a rash. Lip and mouth reactions. Hives. Aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma Endocrine and Metabolic Loss of control of diabetes. Menstrual changes Marked thinning and loss of hair. Marked weight loss. Gradual weight gain Aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Severe PMS

Frequency if voiding and burning during urination. Excessive thirst, fluid retention, leg swelling and bloating Increased susceptibility to infection.

Additional symptoms of Aspartame toxicity include the most critical symptoms of all DEATH!
Irreversible brain damage. Birth defects, including mental retardation (Learning disabilities). Peptic ulcers.

 Aspartame addiction and increased craving for sweets. Hyperactivity in children. Severe depression. Aggressive behavior. Suicidal tendencies.

 Aspartame may trigger, mimic, or cause the following illnesses
 Chronic fatigue syndrome. Epstein-Barr. Post-Polio syndrome. Lyne disease.  Grave’s disease. Meniere’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease. ALS. Epilepsy. Multiple Sclerosis (MS). EMS. Hypothyroidism. Mercury sensitivity from Amalgam fillings. Fibromyalgia. Lupus. Non-Hodgkin’s. Lymphoma. Attention deficit disorder (ADD).
I like to thank Janet Starr Hull for the symptoms in the above  list.

For the Sucralose which can be found in Splenda as well as other drinks like Sainsbury own brand of squash drink, though this is safer they say but here are the side effects but it can be just as worse as Aspartame.

Gastrointestinal problem like bloating, nausea and Diarrhea.

Skin irritations, rashes, like hives, swelling and itching.

Breathing difficulties, wheezing Runny nose or cough. Palpitations, chest muscle pain, itchy eyes

Anxiety, depression, mood swings, sudden unset of anger. Dizziness.

But then they tell you of the fatal effects that are life threating and they say it’s safer yeah right.
Enlarged liver and Kidneys.
Growth rate plummets.
Atrophy of lymph follicles in the thymus and spleen.
 Rise in cercal weight.
 Hyperplasia of the pelvis.
 Decreased foetal body weight. Decreased placental weight.
 Pregnancy period may stretch for longer period.
 Decreased red blood cell count
 Aborted pregnancy or stillbirth.
 It is so bad for pregnant woman that many in the US they advice mothers  not to drink or consume any products that have sucralose in.

 The splenda that has Sucralose in has some disturbing things about it as well like diet soda increases your risk of metabolic syndrome and ultimately, heart disease. Reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50% and increase the pH level in your intestine and the effect of glycoprotein in your body that have crucial health effect particularly if you’re on certain medications

They have also found that Splenda is absorbed by fat, contrary to previous claims Splenda stimulates your appetite. Increase carbohydrate craving. Stimulates fat storage, and so there is weight gain.  Unfortunately in the states most of the health and nutritionists still recommend this toxic artificial sweeteners they have the same side effects as Sucralose and Aspartame.

 In fact Splenda has NEVER BEEN PROVEN SAFE FOR HUMAN COMSUMPTION even though it is sold to processed food manufactories and the soft drinks bottlers In fact when it was tested on Rabbits a 23% death rate in rabbits compared to a 6% death rate in the control group. What does that tell us? That is is not safe.  Few of these are of Dr Mercola’s comments.

So they are killing us off by what we drink and eat I would say NO to this I now don’t drink these drinks if I can help it. If I want a soda I go for one that is not the Aspartame though it may have sugar in but at least I will just have rotten teeth with that and not have all the side effects. I would get on to your local stores when shopping and say no to these chemicals and write to them as well as the big brands the more people do this they will sort for a non-toxic sweetener there are some out there that they can use instead though Monsanto will be the harder one to say no to as they own Aspartame and say what goes in our drinks and food. So when you are out there shopping look before you buy I know I will from now on if its small take a magnifier glass at least do it for your kids and unborn little ones. And for those boys out there thinking you got off Scot free, oh no it has been know too lower your sperm count so if you want a big family I would suggest to get off the diet soda and rather quickly.
There is another they have force feed us Neurotame and they are hiding this in our food  and drinks that was in fact was developed to kill in weapons war. till a chap tasted it and found it was sweet and so now this weapon is in our food hidden as we don't know if it is in what we are eating or not what a clue is natural flavoring so it could be naturel or the Neurotame so watch out for that as well.
Written by the Ferret with the data supplied from all those clever Doctors out there thank you for this data.